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  • Volume 1 - Issue 17 - May 29, 2024

Volume 1 - Issue 17 - May 29, 2024

Tapping Into Some Trading Profits

The stock market officially bottomed back in October 2022. and we have been in a BULL MARKET for the last 18 months. An average BULL MARKET typically lasts 60 months, so we might only be 1/3rd done.

The initial phase of the BULL MARKET, and 2023, was led by technology. Indeed, 2024 has been the year of NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA).

If you have been following the stock market closely, you will see that the rest of technology is treading water.

Meanwhile, we are seeing other sectors begin to move higher. Across the course of a BULL MARKET, we usually see transitions in leadership.

We think we are seeing one of those transitions right now.

One opportunity in particular has us very excited. A group of stocks that had also been a recent stock market leader but has pulled back sharply in the last month.

It is also a group with a unique free "call" option embedded in the stocks. 

We are finding many great opportunities in the sector, and today, we recommend trading one of the leaders.

Here is the idea…

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