Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Enrique Abeyta?

Enrique founded HX Research in 2024 after five years of building newsletter publisher Empire Financial Research with his partner Whitney Tilson at Stansberry Research.

Enrique has had a 25+ year career as a professional investor. He was the founder and managing partner of two long/short equity hedge funds – 360 Global Capital and Stadia Capital – where he served as Managing Partner and raised $2 billion in assets. He was also a member of the launch team at Falcon Edge Capital (now Alpha Wave), where they raised over $3 billion in assets.

In addition to his experience as a newsletter editor and professional investor, he has a long history as an entrepreneur and private investor, having founded 10+ companies in media, music, entertainment, and tattooing.

Learn more about his experience here on Enrique’s LinkedIn

What is HX Trader?

HX Trader is a TRADING-focused investment service that uses a methodology that Enrique developed successfully across his 25+ years as a professional investor.

It primarily recommends liquid stocks and ETFs.  It looks to hold exposure for a shorter period (average holding period 60 days) and produce positive absolute returns in every market environment.

Can you explain our strategy in one sentence?

Our trading methodology focuses on identifying "winning" stocks and companies that have become very oversold stocks and have just begun to recover.

A lot is packed into that sentence, and we encourage you to read our HX Trader Primer to get more details.

I’m new to HX Trader.  Where should I start?

We highly recommend that you check out our HX Trader Primer.  This walks you through our trading methodology and is a great place to learn about it and the trading.  After that – dive right into our most recent issues and updates.

When do you publish HX Trader?

Our weekly issue is published every Wednesday before 1 pm EST.  You should expect a minimum of four issues per month.

Sometimes, we will also publish additional issues throughout the month.  If we have great ideas, we want to share them with you!

What types of securities do you recommend?

The strategy only recommends liquid stocks and easily buyable ETFs with any brokerage account.

Will you be making short recommendations?

No.  We may occasionally recommend a reverse ETF, but the service has no short recommendations.  Everything we do is very liquid and easy to trade.

How many recommendations are in HX Trader?

Typically, we only have up to 20 open recommendations.

It will vary depending on opportunities.  Sometimes, we might have only a handful (3 to 5), and sometimes, we might have many more (as many as 30).

When do I buy and sell these recommendations?

We will also guide you on when to buy and sell the recommendations.

When we publish, we provide a "buy up to" price, which is the price at which we are comfortable establishing a position.

What is your exit strategy?

We do employ an “alpha-based” stop loss where we look at any losses in a position relative to the overall stock market.  We discuss this in depth in the HX Trader Primer.

Once a position hits a price target, we will send you an updated sell recommendation.

How much should I invest in each trade?

Position sizing based on our recommendations is a personal choice.  As a guiding principle, we recommend putting no more than 5% of your trading portfolio into a single trade.  Again – it is up to you!

Where can I find your current recommendations?

The HX Trader portfolio is available right here.

What is the goal of the strategy?

This strategy aims to hold these positions for an average of 60 days, and we target a high hit rate (75%) along with solid (high single-digit) returns on average.

How has the strategy performed historically?

Across the last five years, this strategy has had a greater than 78% positive hit rate and outperformed the S&P 500.  It even made money in the terrible stock market of 2022!

How much money do I need to get started?

You can use this service with as little as a few thousand dollars in starting capital.

Is HX Trader a “day trading” strategy?

Not at all.  Our recommendations usually take a couple of weeks to months to work out.

The service is built for folks who enjoy being involved in the markets but want to avoid sitting in front of their computer screens all day!