HX Trader Position Update

Booking a Profit and Selling Discipline

As we have discussed in the past, the TRADING strategy that we run in our HX Trader publication is one that we have developed over three decades.

We have refined it through the years and over time it has produced high hit rates (75%) along with outperforming the S&P 500. Especially in the worst stock markets.

Now that we have been running it since February, we are beginning to see the strategy play itself out successfully.

With the stock market hitting new highs every day, we are going to book some profits on a recent position.

We also are going to go ahead and realize some losses on three positions that we have held for over 100 days.

We think those stocks eventually will be winners, but we think it is prudent as part of the strategy to move on after a certain period.

Here are the updates…

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