HX Trader Position Update

More Profit Taking and Selling Discipline

Yesterday we took advantage of the strength in the S&P 500 to take profits on a position we have had for only a few weeks. We also closed out a couple of long-standing positions that hadn’t performed.

With the market continuing to rally, today we are going to do some more.

We are going to take profits on two positions that have only been out there for a couple of weeks. Both have performed very well and made the return we were expecting in the next couple months but did it in days instead.

We also will be closing out our other oldest position. Like the two we discussed yesterday, we think the stock eventually works but we will cut positions if they have not performed and are in the book too long.

We are doing this because we think that investors should be using this strength to TAKE PROFITS. We advise you should be doing the same!

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